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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / 1290c60a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-03-15  |  88KB  |  503x232  |  8-bit (223 colors)
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OCR: Returns for the past year and where the money IS now % gain for each calegory from a Calegory Month ago Year Allocation 104 NYSE 289 6.08% 2 0=% The average Invostor's portfolio gained 102 S426 las month and is - ASE/OTC 3.10 27 C4 6.65 now worth 502.21 Equity funds +0.08 -9.57 3 100 Taxable bonds 2.16 69 15.43 98 Municipals +3.46 7.3a Bond funds 0.34 0.95 3.9. 96 CDs +C.72 +7.96 21.91 Cash 0.56 +6.01 21.61 Month Year %change from a Nov. earlier ago Month ago Yearago Real estate 0.06 10.97 0.77 99.07 98.07 98.35 1.023 +0.74 Gold assets 10.64 0.59 category individual chancfrom ostate